React DOM's offsetHeight prior to rendering

I am struggling to figure out how to position a React DOM element based on its offsetHeight.

The issue is that I cannot determine the offsetHeight of an element that hasn't been created yet (so the height cannot be passed as a parameter to the render function) and calculating the height inside the render function goes against the guidelines in the React DOM refs documentation:

Avoid accessing refs within a component's render method or while any render method is running elsewhere in the call stack.

The DOM element needs to be rendered relative to an icon that, when clicked, displays it.

The component tree structure is as follows:

|— FormInputGroup
  |— Label
    |— TooltipIcon
  |— Tooltip
  |— Input

The render function for TooltipIcon:

const TooltipIcon = ({ attribute, setCurrentTooltip }) => (
      position: "relative",
      top: "1px",
      marginLeft: "10px",
      cursor: "pointer",
    onClick={() => setCurrentTooltip(attribute)}

The render function for Tooltip:

const Tooltip = ({ title, content, setCurrentTooltip }) => (
  <div className="popover"
//      top: "-"+ ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).offsetHeight +"px",
    <h3 className="popover-title">{title}</h3>
    <div className="popover-close-button"
      onClick={() => setCurrentTooltip(null)}
    <div className="popover-content">{content}</div>

Here is the current state of the DOM element without proper positioning: not positioned

This is how I envision the desired rendering with top: -(offsetHeight)px: positioned

Answer №1

If you're not sure about the most effective solution, one approach is to manage your style using component state. Begin by initializing it as empty:

this.state = { style: {} };

Then, update this state within a componentDidMount() function after successfully accessing the target element:

componentDidMount() {
    {style: { top: "-" + (ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).offsetHeight) + "px" } }

You can pass this state down as a prop to any child components that require it.

I've created a codepen with explanatory comments for further clarity:

Answer №2

I encountered a similar issue before, and I found a solution by utilizing the lifecycle method componentDidMount. This approach requires using a controlled or 'smart' component.


class Popover extends React.component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      mounted: false,
      // other state properties

Within the componentDidMount method, you can update the state of mounted to true. This is also where you can access your component:

componentDidMount() {
  this.setState({mounted: true})
  // apply necessary styles here...

Subsequently, in the render function, you can conditionally display the component based on its mount status:

render() {
   if (this.state.mounted) {
     // return the component with offset style
     // which can be passed as a prop...
   } else {
     // present a version of the component without offset if needed, 
     // personally I find React's efficiency sufficient. 

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