Purchase Masonry Supplies for Optimal Arrangement

I've been using a neat little tool called jquery-isotope to create a masonry style layout for the blog posts on my website. It's set up with two columns, showcasing two different post types - long form articles and image-only posts.

The masonry feature is running smoothly overall, but I'm encountering some challenges when it comes to the arrangement of elements. The image-only posts are much shorter in height compared to the long-form content. Isotope organizes the elements based on the positions of previously placed items, which can cause issues in how they are displayed.

The problem arises when multiple short image-only posts appear before a long article, resulting in one column being significantly longer than the other. This leads to skewed layouts like the following:

My main concern isn't necessarily ordering the posts by date, author, or category. What matters most to me is achieving an aesthetically pleasing layout. Ideally, I'd like Isotope to position elements in a way that minimizes white space and creates a visually compact design. In an ideal scenario, the layout would look something like this:

Is there a method to customize Isotope or any similar masonry library to achieve this desired effect?

Answer №1

I haven't come across any ready-made solutions for this issue, but you have the option to implement the required functionality on your own.

If you check out extending Isotope, you can develop a custom layout mode that suits your needs. The steps for extension are fairly simple and you can borrow ideas from the existing masonry logic.

The problem with the default masonry logic is its use of a greedy algorithm. By sorting items based on height and assigning taller elements to shorter rows, you can improve efficiency. This approach addresses the principles behind the Partitioning Problem. Additionally, once items are allocated to rows, you could further sort them by date.

In contrast to the masonry logic's time complexity of O(n), this method would operate at O(n*log(n)). Nevertheless, given your limited number of elements, the complexity should not pose a significant concern.

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