Progressively increasing the time by 15 seconds during each iteration of the CSS @each loop

I recently made changes to a CSS script that involves the repetition of an animation task. Rather than repeating a segment of code 30 times, I decided to streamline it using a loop. Now, there are 30 <div></div> segments and each one undergoes the animation as follows:

@each $i from 1 through 30 

#dna div:nth-child(#{$i}) {
    animation-delay: -59.85s;
#dna div:nth-child(#{$i})::before {
    animation-delay: -59.85s;
#dna div:nth-child(#{$i})::after {
    animation-delay: -59.85s;

@-webkit-keyframes rotation {
    from {
        transform: rotateX(0deg);
    to {
        transform: rotateX(359deg);

The challenge I'm facing now is finding a way to incrementally add 15 seconds to the -59.85 second animation delay with each iteration of the loop. Since this is new territory for me in working with CSS capacities like this, I'm unsure about where to begin.

Any guidance or assistance on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

I don't have much experience with variables in css, but I recently discovered that the calc() function can be quite useful.

Give this a try:

#dna div:nth-child(#{$i}) {
    animation-delay: calc(-59.85s + $i * 30);
#dna div:nth-child(#{$i})::before {
    animation-delay: calc(-59.85s + $i * 30);
#dna div:nth-child(#{$i})::after {
    animation-delay: calc(-59.85s + $i * 30);

If you're interested in exploring more advanced programming features of css, take a look at: this resource.

Answer №2

If you want to create loops within your scss files, you can follow this structure:

$fade-delay: -59.85; // initial value, adjust as needed for the starting point in the first loop
$fade-delay-seconds-to-add: 15; // number of seconds to add in each iteration
$number-of-loops: 30;

@for $i from 1 through $number-of-loops {

    $fade-delay: $fade-delay + $fade-delay-seconds-to-add;

    #dna div:nth-child(#{$i}) {
        animation-delay: #{$fade-delay}s;
    #dna div:nth-child(#{$i})::before {
        animation-delay: #{$fade-delay}s;
    #dna div:nth-child(#{$i})::after {
        animation-delay: #{$fade-delay}s;

When compiled by Sass, it will result in:

#dna div:first-child,
#dna div:first-child:after,
#dna div:first-child:before {
    -webkit-animation-delay: -44.85s;
    animation-delay: -44.85s;

#dna div:nth-child(2),
#dna div:nth-child(2):after,
#dna div:nth-child(2):before {
    -webkit-animation-delay: -29.85s;
    animation-delay: -29.85s;

#dna div:nth-child(3),
#dna div:nth-child(3):after,
#dna div:nth-child(3):before {
    -webkit-animation-delay: -14.85s;
    animation-delay: -14.85s;

/* Repeat pattern for subsequent elements */

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