How can I programmatically uncheck the radio button posted below using TypeScript? I attempted to set the value of averageHeight
to false, but that did not result in the radio button being unchecked. Can you please provide guidance on how to achieve this?
<div id="idRadioButtonForAverageHeightDivision">
<input [value]="0" [(ngModel)]="iOperationPasser.averageHeight" name="radioGroupForOperations" type="radio" clrCheckbox (change)="toggleShowAverageHeight()" [(checked)]="averageHeight"/>
<label id="operation-average-height">
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-icon" (click)="showInformation('SERVICE_DIST_4_AGRI')">
<clr-icon shape="help-info" class="is-solid"></clr-icon>