Problems encountered with delay in color transitions in CSS

In the midst of working on a small project showcased in the CodePen link above, one of my main goals is to ensure that the text within div.artMain gradually appears after resizing the div. However, despite including a transition: color 850ms property on line 48, it seems to be ignored for some reason.

I am puzzled as to whether something else might be overriding this transition property that I have overlooked. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly welcomed!

Answer №1

Include the following code snippet below line 48:

-webkit-transition: color 850ms;
-moz-transition: color 850ms;
-o-transition: color 850ms;
-ms-transition: color 850ms;

Remember to start each line with a dash '-'

Answer №2

The solution finally dawned on me.

I discovered that when the initial display property is set to none, none of the subsequent CSS rules for the element are being applied. Therefore, I decided to apply a minimal height on line 44 to conceal the div, and lo and behold, the transition began functioning as expected.

Hats off to everyone for their helpful suggestions!

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