Problems Arising with Javascript Animation Functionality

I've created a script for an interactive "reel" that moves up or down when clicking on specific arrow buttons. However, I'm encountering two issues:

1) The up arrow causes it to move downward, while the down arrow moves it upward.
2) After executing once, I'm unable to trigger it again as an error occurs stating it couldn't parse "top".

Any insights on why this might be occurring? I've included all the code below, even though it's not the most organized.

<!doctype html>


  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Tales of the Hartland: Homepage</title>

<style type="text/css">


#reelHolder {
    height: 750px;
    width: 800px;
    overflow: hidden;
    border: 1px solid gray;
    position: relative;

#arrowDown {

#arrowUp {

#reel {
    position: relative;


.banner {
    position: relative;

.arrow {

.reeler {
    width: 600px;
    position: relative;

.break {

.bigBreak {


function reelUp(elem) {

elem = document.getElementById(elem);

var down = 0;
var curLoc =;

function frame() {

down++; = down + curLoc + 'px';

if (down == 300)

var id = setInterval(frame, 10); // draw every 10ms


function reelDown(elem) {

elem = document.getElementById(elem);

var down = 0;
var curLoc =;

function frame() {

down++; = (-1 * down) + curLoc + 'px';

if (down == 300)

var id = setInterval(frame, 10); // draw every 10ms




  <img src="Banner.png" width="1200" height="150" alt="" class="banner"/>

    <a id="arrowUp" class="arrow" href="javascript:reelUp('reel')">
        <img src="arrowUp.png" alt=""/>

    <a id="arrowDown" class="arrow" href="javascript:reelDown('reel')">
        <img src="arrowDown.png" alt=""/>

  <div id="reelHolder" class="centerDiv">

    <div id="reel">
        <img src="reel1.png" class="reeler" id="reel1"/>
        <div class="break"></div>
        <img src="reel2.png" class="reeler" id="reel2"/>



Answer №1

Increasing the value of will cause the element to move further down within its container. For example, if top is set to 10px, the top of the element will be positioned 10 pixels from the top of the container. On the other hand, if top is set to 100px, then it will be located 90 pixels lower in relation to its previous position.

To move an element upwards in the reelUp section, you should decrease the value of top: = curLoc - down + 'px';

Conversely, to shift the element downwards in the reelDown section, you need to increase the value of top: = curLoc + down + 'px';

It seems that the reason your code only works once might be due to the variable id not being defined within the scope of the frame function. By declaring var id before the function frame(), this issue should be resolved.

These are the solutions to your specific inquiries. Once those have been addressed, I recommend consolidating the functions reelUp and reelDown into a single function since they share many similarities (with the only distinction being a single character: + or -).

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