Problem with stacking order in Internet Explorer 7

Our current issue involves a z-index problem with a div that should be positioned above another specific div. The div in question, named (house-over-banner), is set to absolute positioning, while the one below it is relative.

Interestingly, everything displays correctly in Firefox and IE6, 8. However, in IE7, there seems to be an issue!

You can find the problematic link at . It's the house image overlapping the banner on the right side of the page.

Answer №1

An interesting CSS workaround involves setting the parent div as relative and the child div as absolute. This prevents the child div from extending outside of the boundaries of the parent div. If you haven't tried this technique yet, give it a shot to see if it suits your needs. It's worth noting that z-index properties only affect elements with absolute positioning.

Answer №2

Having trouble responding to Caleb's post, so I'll just leave my thoughts here.

I'm part of the team collaborating with Caleb on tackling this issue (we're all working together to overcome this challenge :P), and what we've noticed is that sometimes it works in IE 7 while other times it doesn't. It seems to be random whether the content appears above or below when the page loads.

We tried implementing a jQuery z-index fix (), which seems to be causing this inconsistent behavior. It's puzzling why it's not behaving consistently.

Answer №3

Elements with a specified position in Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7 create their own z-index stacking context, making it impossible to escape.

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