Problem encountered while producing the chart with the designated color scheme, as the intended colors are not showing up as expected am encountering difficulty with loading the bubble chart in the desired colors. The proof of concept (POC) works fine, but once integrated into the actual application, the color changes due to another Bootstrap CSS class overriding the specified settings. The index.html includes references to Bootstrap as follows:

 <!-- Bootstrap and JQuery -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

In the Plunker POC, the circles are displayed in white which is the desired outcome. However, when viewed in the application, they appear black. How can I override this and make it work correctly?


The code for the Angular 2 component responsible for generating the bubble chart can be found at the provided Plunker link.

Answer №1

If you're considering the approach suggested by @Yakov Fain, keep in mind that using ViewEncapsulation.None can have some unintended consequences. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with those before proceeding.

A similar issue was raised previously regarding Angular 2 and d3 integration. One solution is to utilize shadow piercing style selectors such as:

:host /deep/ h3 {
  font-style: italic;

The /deep/ selector can be employed to apply styles throughout the child component tree down to all nested components. This selector operates at any level of nested components, affecting both view children and content children within the component. Additionally, the /deep/ selector is also known as >>>. Both can be used interchangeably.

To learn more about these specialized selectors, visit:!#special-selectors

Answer №2

Angular 2 comes with default Shadow DOM emulation (encapsulation:ViewEncapsulation.Emulated) to ensure that component styles stay contained within the component and do not interfere with the overall DOM styling. If you want to turn off this feature, simply add the following line to your component's template:


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