Preview CSS changes in real-time by editing through a form

Is it possible to customize the background color and border weight using input fields in my script?

I'm not very familiar with JavaScript, so if you could provide an example on JSFiddle, I would greatly appreciate it.

$('.divSpecific input').click(function(){
    if($(this).attr("alt") == "1")
    else if ($(this).attr("alt") == "2")
div.divSpecific {
    height: 20px;
    border:solid 1px;
<script src=""></script>
<div>First step - choose button</div>
<div class="divSpecific">Design - ver.1<input type="radio" alt="1" name="name" /></div>
<div class="divSpecific">Design - ver.2<input type="radio" alt="2" name="name" /></div>
<div class="divSpecific">Design - ver.3<input type="radio" alt="3" name="name" /></div>

<div>Or change background, text, and border colors manually (HEX format)</div>
<div>Background color<input type="text"><input type="submit" value="Confirm">
<div>Text color<input type="text"><input type="submit" value="Confirm"></div>
<div>Border color <input type="text"><input type="submit" value="Confirm"></div>


<div>Adjust border weight</div>
<div>Border weight (default 1 px)<input type="text"><input type="submit" value="Confirm">


<div class="signUp">Sign Up</div>

Answer №1

Develop a function to manage the application of CSS styles and then introduce some data attributes to the radio inputs for setting default values in text areas.

$('[type="radio"]').click(function() {
})$('[type="submit"]').click(function() {
function applyStyles() {
        borderColor: $("#border_color").val(),
        borderWidth: $("#border_width").val(),
        backgroundColor: $("#bg_color").val(),
        color: $("#text_color").val(),
div.divSpecific {
    height: 20px;
    border:solid 1px;
<script src=""></script>

<div>First step - choose button</div>

<div class="divSpecific">Design - ver.1<input type="radio" data-bg-color="red" data-border-color="black" data-color="black" data-border-width="2" alt="1" name="name" /></div>
<div class="divSpecific">Design - ver.2<input type="radio" data-bg-color="yellow" data-border-color="black" data-color="black" data-border-width="2"  alt="2" name="name" /></div>
<div class="divSpecific">Design - ver.3<input type="radio" data-bg-color="cyan" data-border-color="black" data-color="white" data-border-width="2"  alt="3" name="name" /></div><br/>
<div>Or change manually background, text abd border (HEX format)</div>
<div>Background color<input id="bg_color" type="text"><input type="submit" value="Confirm"></div><!-- you were missing a close div here -->
<div>Text color<input id="text_color" type="text"><input type="submit" value="Confirm"></div>
<div>Border color <input id="border_color" type="text"><input type="submit" value="Confirm"></div><br>

<div>And change border weight</div>
<div>Border weight (defoult 1 px)<input id="border_width" type="text"><input type="submit" value="Confirm"></div><!-- ...and here -->


<div class="signUp">Sign Up</div>

Answer №2

It appears that instead of clicking, you may want to consider using the change event instead.

Answer №3

To enhance user experience, consider implementing an onClick function for each button:

<input type="text" id="backgroundInput"><button onClick="updateBackground()">Confirm</button>

function updateBackground() {
    $('div.signUp').css('background-color', $('#backgroundInput');

Repeat this process with the remaining inputs for consistency.

Alternatively, assign unique IDs to the buttons and create a .click(function()...) handler similar to the approach used for radio buttons.

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