Preventing the Rendering of Inline-Block Whitespace in Web Browsers

Essentially, in my attempt to create a four-column layout, I have the following HTML code:

    <div>A column</div>
    <div>A column</div>
    <div>A column</div>
    <div>A column</div>

Accompanied by this CSS code:

div {
    background: #ccc;

div div {
    background: #eee;
    display: inline-block;
    width: 25%;

-> Check out the Fiddle here <-

In the browser rendering (I am currently using Chrome for testing), the whitespace between the nested div elements causes an issue with the layout.

To resolve this, I can float the nested divs...

div {
    background: #ccc;

div div {
    background: #eee;
    width: 25%;
    float: left;

-> Take a look at this other Fiddle <-

However, floating the divs results in the container collapsing, which is not desired. Using CSS clearfix hacks or extra HTML tags to fix this seems like a less than ideal solution.

An alternative approach is to modify the HTML to remove the whitespace...

<div><div>A column</div><div>A column</div><div>A column</div><div>A column</div></div>

Although this makes it harder to work with and maintain the code. Breaking the tags for better readability feels awkward somehow...

    <div>A column</
    div><div>A column</
    div><div>A column</
    div><div>A column</div>

I have explored various resources and solutions, but many of them involve workarounds that I find unsatisfactory. Is there a cleaner way to prevent html whitespace from impacting the layout when using display:inline-block? Or perhaps an alternative to inline-block without negative side effects?


If achieving this goal is truly impossible, the ideal solution would be one that allows seamless editing of HTML without additional markup requirements. Essentially, a webmaster can freely make changes to the HTML without affecting the layout, thanks to flexible CSS adjustments.


Given the constraints, I have decided to implement a CSS hack to address the whitespace issue invisibly. By floating the nested divs and applying a specific hack, the layout stays intact without needing extra markup.

div div {
    float: left;

div::after {
    content: "";
    display: table;

div::after {
    clear: both;

div {
    *zoom: 1;

This refined version of the fix, derived from a well-known method, aims to minimize potential side effects across all div elements, which I will monitor closely moving forward.

Answer №1

This big layout question has been thoroughly addressed with a variety of potential solutions, but I have a specific preference in mind.

One solution is to set the font-size of the parent element to 0 and then reset it using REM units.

By avoiding any additional text within the parent div (excluding the child divs), you can ensure a smooth code and layout experience.

Unlike traditional EM units, REM units are not relative to the parent elements' font-size. Instead, they are relative to the root element of the document – the html element.

Example HTML structure:

<div class="parent">
    <div class="child">column 1</div>
    <div class="child">column 2</div>
    <div class="child">column 3</div>
    <div class="child">column 4</div>

Corresponding CSS:

html {
    font-size: 1em;

.parent {
    font-size: 0;

.child {
    display: inline-block;
    font-size: 16px; /* Using pixel-based font-size for IE8 and below support */
    font-size: 1rem; /* Avoid using rem with font shorthand to prevent issues in IE9/10 - as noted below */
    width: 25%;

Cross-browser Support Notes:

  • IE8 and earlier versions require pixel-based font-size for compatibility.
  • For IE9/10, avoid using the font shorthand property; stick to using font-size individually!
  • Some exceptions include Opera Mini and iOS 3.2 browsers.

Answer №2

How can I prevent HTML whitespace from displaying in the browser when using display:inline-block?

A few solutions exist, although none of them are completely hack-free and neat as you may desire.

  • You can reformat ('minify') your code to eliminate white space between elements.
    While this is a more cross-browser solution that requires minimal hacking, it may not be the most tidy approach. It involves adjusting the HTML rather than CSS, which may not be ideal. If readability is important to you, consider using HTML comments to maintain spaces without affecting the DOM:

       <div>block 1</div><!--
    --><div>block 2</div><!--
    --><div>block 3</div>

    Although not perfect, it's better than a single long line of code.

  • Another option is setting the font-size to zero for the container and reverting it back to normal size for the blocks.
    This method is effective and purely CSS-based. However, working with relative font sizes can be challenging (e.g., switching from zero to 14px works, but 1em will still be zero).

  • Alternatively, applying a negative margin of 1em can also help close the spacing gap.
    While this solution is fairly successful, it may lack precision.

Are there alternative methods to inline-block without any negative side effects?

  • One option is to use float:left, but keep in mind that this comes with its own set of issues. If you're opting for inline-block, it likely means you want to avoid floats.

  • Another approach is utilizing position:absolute for manual layout control.

Answer №3

Instead of using the float method you mentioned, try adding an ::after pseudo-element to automatically clear the floats and prevent the container from collapsing:

 div::after {
    content: "";
    display: table;
    clear: both;

Here is a link to an example on JSFiddle:

Answer №4

Upon seeing your "workaround," a thought crossed my mind: Why not utilize a <table>?

After pondering this, I came up with the following solution:

div {
  background: #ccc;
  display: table;
  width: 100%;
div div {
  background: #eee;
  display: table-cell;
  width: 25%
  <div>A column</div>
  <div>A column</div>
  <div>A column</div>
  <div>A column</div>

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