Preventing text from wrapping in a TypeScript-generated form: Tips and tricks

I’m currently working on a ReactJS project and my objective is simple: I want all three <FormItem> components to be displayed in a single line without wrapping. However, I am facing the following output:

Within the myComponent.tsx file, here is the render() function that I have implemented:

render() {
  const { getFieldDecorator } = this.props.form;
  const formItemLayoutType = {
          labelCol: { span: 1, offset: 0 },
          wrapperCol: { span: 3, offset: 0 },
  const myForm = {
         display: "inline",
         whiteSpace: "nowrap"
  } as React.CSSProperties;

  return (
    <Form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} style={myForm}>
       // {...formItemLayoutType}  // originally, this was not commented out
         {getFieldDecorator('select', { valuePropName: "fileType" })(
                        <Select placeholder="Select file type" style={{ width: "150px" }}>
                            <Option value="PD">Probabilty of default</Option>
                            <Option value="FX">Exchange Rate</Option>
         <Button type="primary" htmlType="submit"

Despite adding the <span> and applying the style={myForm}, the structure still doesn’t look aligned horizontally as expected. I'm puzzled by why this issue persists instead of having everything lined up in one row.


Answer №1

Replace the <span> tag with a <div> tag, and apply the CSS style of display: flex;

Here's an example (I added the style inline for simplicity, but you should include it in your regular stylesheet):

//** Inline style added for simplicity **//
<div style={{display:"flex"}}>
        // {...formItemLayoutType}  // This line was originally not commented out
        {getFieldDecorator('select', { valuePropName: "fileType" })(
            <Select placeholder="Select file type" style={{ width: "150px" }}>
                <Option value="PD">Probabilty of default</Option>
                <Option value="FX">Exchange Rate</Option>
        <Button type="primary" htmlType="submit"

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