I need help with maintaining the color of my SVG map without it changing after clicking on an area. The issue is that it ends up looking like a hyperlink even after being visited.
.mapdiv {
max-width: 45%;
height: auto;
margin: auto;
width: auto;
stroke: #a9a9a9!important;
stroke-width: 2px;
stroke-linejoin: round;
fill: #5d6675;!important;}
.mapdiv path {
opacity: .85;
cursor: pointer;
-webkit-transition: all 150ms;
-moz-transition: all 150ms;
-o-transition: all 150ms;
transition: all 150ms; }
.mapdiv :hover {
stroke-width: 3px;
stroke-linejoin: round;
fill: #c9b394!important;
cursor: pointer; }