Preventing responsive elements from loading with HTML scripts

Currently, I am utilizing the Gumby framework which can be found here. Everything appears to be running smoothly. My goal is to incorporate a mobile navigation list where the links are grouped under a single button, as outlined here.

Initially, this functioned well with a standard HTML page. However, due to having multiple pages with identical headers (nav bar) and footers, I opted to segregate all the HTML content into separate files and load them using a script:

    // Load navigation/footer
    $(function () {

The issue arises when I implement this method - my mobile navigation list ceases to operate properly. It seems like the mobile nav bar initializes first, then the document loads the HTML, resulting in no functionality. Does anyone have any suggestions for resolving this dilemma?

Appreciate any insights or advice provided. Thank you.

Answer №1

When you mention

preventing responsive elements

Are you suggesting that event handlers and similar functions are not connected to the newly loaded HTML?

One approach is to utilize delegated event handlers

$(document).on('click','.mylaterloadedanchors', function() { ... 

However, this method may become cumbersome if used excessively.

Another strategy involves managing the bindings in a function that can be executed after templates or DOM partials have been loaded.

  • load templates
  • set template handlers

For example,

var app = function() { 

    .. list all listeners etc

/* load templates using the callback provided by jQuery for .load() 
   and trigger the app that includes the listeners*/

$('#navigation').load('html/nav.html', app);

Alternatively, you can include your js bindings for nav.html directly in the nav.html page itself.

This can be beneficial when managing 'views' - for example

nav.html comes with its own nav.js file..

views paired with viewmodels and viewbindings

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