I'm currently working on adding a paw icon next to a link when it's hovered over. I want the icon to be initially invisible and only appear when the link is hovered over. The issue I'm facing is that when I hover over a link, the other links shift to the side because of the visible icon. Is there a way to ensure that the links already account for the size of the icon so they don't jump to the side when it appears on hover?
[Before Hover](https://i.sstatic.net/MMFDV.png)
[After Hover](https://i.sstatic.net/HQv12.png)
As I am still new to Web Development, I believe the solution to this problem might be simple. I've tried various random solutions, tweaking code here and there without much success. Despite my efforts to adjust the width of the link after hovering to match its initial width before hovering, the links continue to shift. Any guidance or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.