Prevented a frame from "" from accessing another frame

After placing ads on my website, they are displaying properly. However, I am receiving an error repeatedly in the console when the page loads:

A frame from origin "" is being blocked from accessing a frame with origin "". The requesting frame has an "https" protocol, while the accessed frame has an "http" protocol. The protocols need to match.

Upon researching this issue, it seems to be caused by AdSense having SSL enabled while my site does not. Some sources suggest there might not be a solution to this problem, but I believe there must be a way to address it. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

The reason for this issue is the javascript same-origin policy, which is a security measure. To allow cross origin requests, you will need to include CORS headers. The method of adding these headers may vary depending on the server you are using.

You might also need to modify your call to google-ads by changing it from https to http (if permitted by Google), or simply removing the protocol like so: // This way, it will default to the current page's protocol.

Although such errors can typically be disregarded (similar to how Google's YouTube API raises a same origin error but functions normally), I am not as familiar with the double-click ads issue.

For further information on CORS and the Same-origin policy, here are some helpful resources:

PS. When testing, ensure that all extensions, particularly ad blockers, are disabled - this is a common oversight to keep in mind.

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