Prevent vertical scrolling on touch devices when using the Owl Carousel plugin

Is there a way to prevent vertical scrolling on Owl Carousel when dragging it horizontally on touch devices? It currently allows for up and down movement, causing the whole page to jiggle. If anyone has a solution, I can share the JavaScript file.

Appreciate any help in advance!

Answer №1

Impressive use of CSS3!

    -ms-touch-action: pan-y;
    touch-action: pan-y;

Answer №2

This method has been effective for me, particularly on iOS devices. I have not yet tested it on Android.

During my experimentation, I observed that Owl Carousel adds the .owl-grab class to the slider when sliding with a mouse or touch input. Inspired by @Turnerj's code, I added .owl-grab to the existing code snippet.

Here is a helpful resource on disabling scrolling during touch movement on specific elements.

This solution also supports multiple sliders on the same page. It may not be perfect due to my limited experience with jQuery.

window.blockMenuHeaderScroll = false;
$(window).on('touchstart', function(e) {
    if ($('.owl-grab').length == 1) {
        blockMenuHeaderScroll = true;
$(window).on('touchend', function() {
    blockMenuHeaderScroll = false;
$(window).on('touchmove', function(e) {
     if (blockMenuHeaderScroll) {

Answer №3

When working with Classes, consider using hammer.js in conjunction with addEventListener. My experience testing this on iOS (iPhoneX) and Android (Nexus 5X) has been very positive. I believe this solution could be valuable to others!

window.blockMenuHeaderScroll = true;
        var mc = new Hammer(document);
        var classname = document.getElementsByClassName("elenco_image");

        mc.on("swipeleft swiperight panleft panright", function(ev) {
            console.log(ev.type + " gesture detected.");
            window.blockMenuHeaderScroll = true;

        mc.on("swipeup swipedown panup pandown", function(ev) {
            console.log(ev.type + " gesture detected.");
            window.blockMenuHeaderScroll = false;

        for (var i = 0; i < classname.length; i++) {
            classname[i].addEventListener('touchmove', function(evt) {
                if (blockMenuHeaderScroll) {

            }, {
                passive: false

Answer №4

-ms-touch-action: pan-x;
touch-action: pan-x; 

I found this solution helpful because it allows for only horizontal scrolling. By using the code above, I was able to disable vertical scrolling completely.

Answer №5

To prevent vertical scrolling when dragging the image horizontally, or to block horizontal panning while trying to scroll the page vertically.

Make sure to attach the event directly to the IMG element.

let blockScroll = false;
let blockPan = false;

$('.owl-carousel img').on('touchstart', '', ots);
$('.owl-carousel img').on('touchmove', '', otm);

let p0 = [0,0];

function ots(ev) { //save the initial touch point
  p0 = [ev.touches[0].screenX, ev.touches[0].screenY];
  blockScroll = false;
  blockPan = false;

function otm(event){
      event.preventDefault(); //prevent window from scrolling vertically
    else if(blockPan)
    { //stop OWL from getting the event and panning horizontally.
    { //calculate distance from initial touch point on each move
      let t = event.touches[0];
      let dx = t.screenX - p0[0];
      let dy = t.screenY - p0[1];

      if( Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) )
        blockScroll = true;
        blockPan = true;

Successfully tested on android (Chrome) and ios(Safari).

Answer №6

Enhancements made to optimize touch actions for a smoother experience, inspired by @Giovanni Locombi's solution. Specifically tailored for iOS users.

Utilizing the capabilities of Hammer.js available at

    window.blockMenuHeaderScroll = false;
    var mc = new Hammer(document);
    var classname = document.getElementsByClassName("owl-carousel");

    mc.on("swipeleft swiperight panleft panright", function(ev) {
        window.blockMenuHeaderScroll = true;

    mc.on("panend swipeend", function (ev){
        window.blockMenuHeaderScroll = false;

    mc.on("swipeup swipedown panup pandown", function(ev) {
        window.blockMenuHeaderScroll = false;

    for (var i = 0; i < classname.length; i++) {
        classname[i].addEventListener('touchmove', function(evt) {
            if (blockMenuHeaderScroll) {

        }, {
            passive: false

Answer №7

After trying numerous solutions without success, I finally found one that fixed the issue.

.owl-carousel .owl-stage, .owl-carousel.owl-drag .owl-item{
    -webkit-touch-action: auto;
        touch-action: auto;

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