Prevent unwanted padding in lists by using CSS float inside

When organizing my list element, I want to position the control buttons next to the left of the list item text. To achieve this layout, I have applied the CSS property float: left;. However, a problem arises when there are multiple lines in a list - each new line ends up with padding related to the previous floated block:

This particular list is built using Vue.js and Bootstrap. Below is the snippet of my CSS/HTML code:

<ul class="items">
   <transition-group name="item">
      <li v-for="item in items" :key="" mode="out-in">
         <span style="float: left;">
            <a href="#" class="btn btn-success btn-xs" @click="edit_item(item)"><span class="fa fa-wrench"></span>Update</a>
            <a href="#" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" @click="confirm_delete_item(item)"><span class="fa fa-trash-o"></span>Delete</a>

How can I align the buttons inside the list to appear one under the other on either the right or left side?

The desired outcome should resemble something like this:

  • Item #1_____________________________________Update___Delete
  • Item #2_____________________________________Update___Delete

Answer №1

To solve your problem, you can clear the float that you have set up. If you are using bootstrap, you can simply add the class clearfix to the li element where you have applied the float. This will insert a pseudo after element that clears the float.

Here is the updated code snippet:

<ul class="items">
   <transition-group name="item">
      <li v-for="item in items" :key="" mode="out-in" style="padding-bottom:10px;" clearfix>
         <span style="float: left;">
            <a href="#" class="btn btn-success btn-xs" @click="edit_item(item)"><span class="fa fa-wrench"></span>Update</a>
            <a href="#" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" @click="confirm_delete_item(item)"><span class="fa fa-trash-o"></span>Delete</a>

Answer №2

Have you tried using style="clear:left;"? If that doesn't solve the issue, consider applying the float or clear left on the 'li' element instead of the span containing the buttons. This way, each 'li' will contain the buttons themselves.

You can try something similar to the code below. Since there is no JS Fiddle provided, customizing the code to fit your needs may be a bit challenging.

<ul class="items">
<transition-group name="item">
  <li v-for="item in items" :key="" mode="out-in" style="float:left; clear:left; width:100%; display:block">
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-success btn-xs" @click="edit_item(item)">
  <span class="fa fa-wrench"></span>Update</a>
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" @click="confirm_delete_item(item)"><span class="fa fa-trash-o"></span>Delete</a>

Here's an example. It might not be perfect but should give you a starting point. For better styling consistency, consider moving inline styles to a separate CSS file.

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