Prevent the parent component's ripple effect from being activated by the child component

If I have a simple code snippet like the following:

  <Typography variant='caption' color='primary'>

When clicking anything inside the ListItem, the ripple effect is triggered as expected. However, when clicking the button, I do not want the ripple effect of the parent component to be activated. How can this be accomplished?

Answer №1

To prevent event propagation, implement event.stopPropagation() within the button's click handler. Specifically, include it inside the foo() function for your scenario.

Answer №2

If you want to control the ripple effect in a Material-UI ListItem component, you can utilize the disableRipple property. Simply set it to true when clicking on a button and set it to false when clicking on the list item itself. Here's an example:

const disableRipple = () => this.setState(prevState => ({
  parentDisableRipple: true
const enableRipple = () => this.state.parentDisableRipple && this.setState(prevState => ({
  parentDisableRipple: false

return (
    <Hello name={} />
      Start editing to see some magic happen :)

    <ListItem button={true} 
      <Typography variant='caption' color='primary'>
      <Button onClick={foo} >Button</Button>

I've created a playground on STACKBLITZ where you can experiment with this setup.


An alternative solution suggested by @Domino987 involves using onMouseDown along with event.stopPropagation(), as well as wrapping the contents in a <ListItemSecondaryAction> wrapper. You can find more details and examples in this thread.

I have updated my STACKBLITZ to showcase both of these solutions.

Answer №3

<ListItem button={true} matRipple #parent>
 <Typography variant='caption' color='primary' matRipple [matRippleTrigger]="parent"
 <Button onClick={foo}>

For a smooth animation effect, make sure to include a template variable for the element you want to animate. Then, activate the parent ripple by setting the [matRippleTrigger] option on the children elements.

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