Prevent Scrolling While Dragging in Material-UI Grid

I'm currently developing an application that features multiple columns in a MUI Grid, enabling horizontal scrolling. This app serves as a task planner, and I aim to implement drag-and-drop functionality for tasks moving between the visible columns on the screen. To achieve this, I am utilizing the hello-pangea/dnd library for managing drag-and-drop operations, alongside Material UI's Grid component for column arrangement.

One issue I encountered is with automatic scrolling while dragging tasks within the Grid. I would like to disable this behavior during drag-and-drop interactions.

My attempted solution involved dynamically adjusting the CSS style of the Grid's overflow property based on the drag state - setting overflow-x to hidden when dragging, and keeping it as scroll otherwise. Despite my expectations, this approach failed to prevent scrolling within the Grid as demonstrated by the GIF below:

(I recognize the need for UI improvements, which will be addressed in due time)

I conducted tests on both Google Chrome and Safari browsers. Additionally, I experimented with managing the Grid's sx using a state variable, but was met with unsuccessful results. Here is a snippet of my code demonstrating these efforts:

const View = (props) => {
    const [currentOverflow, setCurrentOverflow] = useState("scroll");

    // ...taskView definition...

    // props.dragging: boolean indicating dragging status passed from parent
    useEffect(() => {
        setCurrentOverflow(props.dragging ? "hidden" : "scroll");
    }, [props.dragging])

    return (
                overflow: currentOverflow

Previously, my attempt to control overflow via CSS mirrored the above method, with a callback in the useEffect resembling this:

var gridElt = document.getElementById(taskViewGridId);

if (props.dragging) {
} else {

Accompanying CSS classes were defined as follows:

.disable-scroll {
    overflow-x: hidden;

.enable-scroll {
    overflow-x: scroll;

If anyone can provide insight into how to resolve this issue and effectively disable scrolling within the MUI Grid based on drag-and-drop activity, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Answer №1

This issue has been resolved. The @hello-pangea/dnd library now includes the functionality to prevent automatic scrolling of the window during dragging, thanks to a new feature added in their most recent update.

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