Prevent another user from accessing a webpage while another user is already active on it using ReactJs

Currently, I am developing a system where multiple users will be logged in simultaneously. However, it is essential to ensure that two individuals cannot access the same user record at the same time. How can I prevent this from happening? For example, if the username "admin" is viewing record 123, and another user wants to access the same record, they should receive a prompt stating, "Sorry, admin is already viewing that record. Please wait until they have finished. Thank you."

What steps should I take to lock out the other user?

Here's an idea: when searching for a record in the left box and clicking on "search," the results pane on the right displays the relevant information. If a user tries to open a record that is already being viewed by someone else, a notification like the one mentioned above should appear.

Answer №1

Unfortunately, there is no easy solution for accomplishing this task as the browser cannot communicate with other browsers on its own.

To address this issue, you will need to implement a Server Side solution like

By utilizing sockets, you can send a websocket push notification to all currently active users when one user accesses a specific record.

  1. For example, if user Admin views record 123,
  2. You can notify all other logged-in users that user Admin is viewing record 123.
  3. Client-side (assuming you use something like Redux for state management), you can then update the visibility of record 123 accordingly.

*One important consideration is handling when the user leaves the page. Users may exit in various ways (like using the back button or closing the browser). You need to identify these actions and update all users once the record becomes available again, repeating the process above.

I hope this explanation clarifies things. Let me know if you require further details.

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