Prevent a specific keypress action from triggering in a content editable division

I have a content editable div and I am looking to prevent the undo operation (control + z) on this editable div. I attempted the following approach:

// The keyup function handles all keypress events. Backspace won't fire for a simple keypress event in jQuery
$("#Partner").keyup(function (e) {

    if (e.keyCode == 90) {

Although I implemented the above code, I am still able to perform the undo operation. Any suggestions on how to effectively disable undo on an editable div?

Answer №1

Below is the resolution:

    $("#Partner").keydown(function (e) {

        if (e.keyCode == 90 && e.ctrlKey) {

    //key up manages all keypress events. Backspace won't be triggered for simple keypress event in jQuery
    $("#Partner").keyup(function (e) {

        if (e.keyCode == 90 && e.ctrlKey) {

Answer №2

Here's a suggestion to try...

$("#Partner").bind("keydown", function (e) {
       if (e.keyCode == 90 && e.ctrlKey) {

Please be aware: The key operations are executed within the keydown event as well. Ensure to prevent the default behavior of the keydown event for proper functionality.

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