Pressing enter to submit a form when the submit button is not visible is functional in Firefox, but has no effect in Chrome

There is a form with various input fields and a hidden submit button (hidden using style="display:none").

Interestingly, in Firefox, pressing the return key while an input field is focused automatically submits the form.

However, in Chrome, hitting return does not trigger any action. Is there a way to reintroduce this functionality in Chrome?

If you'd like to test this out yourself, check out the form in Chrome here:

<form method="post" action="/xxxx" accept-charset="UTF-8">

    <input type="hidden" value="SSjovFqEfRwz2vYDIsB6JRdtLAuXGmnT+tkyZnrtqEE=" name="authenticity_token">

    <div class="input text_field">
    <input type="text" size="30" name="user_session[email]" />

  <div class="input text_field">
    <input type="password" size="30" name="user_session[password]" />

    <input type="submit" value="Sign In" style="display: none;" >


Answer №1

I can't figure out why it's not functioning properly in Chrome. It seems like there might be a bug causing the issue.

But somehow, it's related to that display: none property.

I came up with a messy workaround:

input[type="submit"] {
    position: absolute;
    top: -1000px

Instead of hiding it, I moved it off the visible screen.

See Demo Here - works fine in Chrome.

Answer №2

After conducting tests on Chrome 22 and Firefox 18, it seems like this workaround may be the most effective solution

.hide-submit {
    position: absolute;
    visibility: hidden;

<button type="submit" class="hide-submit">Ok</button>

Alternatively, a more versatile approach could be used

button[type=submit].hide {
    display: block;
    position: absolute;
    visibility: hidden;

<input type="submit" class="hide">Go</input>

This method essentially conceals the element in plain sight without the need to push it off-screen

Answer №3

The most effective approach is outlined below:

<input type="submit" hidden />

For instance:

<form onSubmit="event.preventDefault(); alert('logging in!')">
  <label for="email">email:</label>
  <input type="email" name="email" required />

  <label for="password">password:</label>
  <input type="password" name="password" required />

  <input type="submit" hidden />

  <p>Press enter to log in</p>

Answer №4

It seems like a built-in security measure, although no definitive explanation has been found yet. I conducted a test using without the password field and the alert popped up as expected. This behavior was also observed in IE8. These are the only browsers currently available on my machine, so I haven't tested it on any others.

Answer №5

In my search for a solution, I stumbled upon a quirky workaround that involves setting the width and height properties to 0. Surprisingly, Chrome doesn't treat this as hiding the element entirely.

Answer №6

Similar to Pioul's response, I found it necessary to implement the following adjustments for an element with input[type=file]:

position:absolute; //using this property ensures that the "hidden" element does not disrupt the layout
// In versions up to IE7, a small portion of the form element remains visible
// to hide it, utilize opacity=0; The tested element was input:file.

This method has NOT been tested with input[type=text].

While just an alternative approach, I do not believe it offers significant advantages over the approved solution.

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