Preserve the active class position even after the page is refreshed using JavaScript

Utilizing the Flickity plugin, I have successfully created a tab-based content carousel. By incorporating the hash script available on GitHub, users can directly access a specific tab using URLs like

However, I am facing an issue where upon navigating away from the page and returning or refreshing it, the 'is-selected' class on 'tab-nav' resets itself. As a result, the selected tab does not correspond to the loaded content.

I am seeking a JavaScript solution that would allow the browser to remember the last 'is-selected' position so that when users refresh the page or return to it, the correct tab is still highlighted.

.slide-content {
  width: 100%;

.tab-nav a,
.tab-nav a:visited,
.tab-nav a:focus,
.tab-nav a:hover {
  display: inline-block;
  color: #000;
  text-decoration: none;
  padding: 24px;
  border: 1px solid #dedede;

.tab-nav .is-selected {
  background: #dedede;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<nav class="tab-nav">
<a class="slide is-selected" href="#slide-1">Slide One</a>
<a class="slide" href="#slide-2">Slide Two</a>
<a class="slide" href="#slide-3">Slide Three</a>
<a class="slide" href="#slide-4">Slide Four</a>
<a class="slide" href="#slide-5">Slide Five</a>

<div class="carousel">
<div class="slide-content" id="slide-1">
<p>I'm Slide One</p>

<div class="slide-content" id="slide-2">
<p>I'm Slide Two</p>

<div class="slide-content" id="slide-3">
<p>I'm Slide Three</p>

<div class="slide-content" id="slide-4">
<p>I'm Slide Four</p>

<div class="slide-content" id="slide-5">
<p>I'm Slide Five</p>


var utils = window.fizzyUIUtils;

var carousel = document.querySelector('.carousel');
var flkty = new Flickity( carousel, {
  prevNextButtons: false,
  pageDots: false,
  hash: true

// Elements
var cellsButtonGroup = document.querySelector('.tab-nav');
var cellsButtons = utils.makeArray( cellsButtonGroup.children );

// Update buttons on select
flkty.on( 'select', function() {
  var previousSelectedButton = cellsButtonGroup.querySelector('.is-selected');
  var selectedButton = cellsButtonGroup.children[ flkty.selectedIndex ];

// Cell select
cellsButtonGroup.addEventListener( 'click', function( event ) {
  if ( !matchesSelector(, '.slide' ) ) {
  var index = cellsButtons.indexOf( ); index );

Answer №1

To easily retain the selected tab even after a page refresh, localStorage can be utilized to store the selector when the tab is clicked. Upon page load, the last selected tab can then be checked in localStorage and set as active. This method will prove effective for maintaining user selections through page reloads. As for navigating back, there are limited reliable methods available. One approach is to disable page caching in the browser by including the

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
header in your pages. By doing this, if a user navigates back, the page will automatically reload.

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