Currently, I am in the process of developing a sample website for a potential client. Although I have successfully implemented this feature before, I am facing challenges in replicating it now. The structure I am working on comprises of a title div (appearing as a blue box), a header/menu bar positioned directly under the title div, and a large image intended to be displayed below the header, maintaining the visual aesthetics of the website. My goal is to ensure that the menu bar/header, upon initial loading of the site, starts just beneath the Title div. As users scroll down the page, the header should gradually move upwards until reaching the top of the website where it remains fixed. Ideally, I would like to achieve this effect using CSS property position: sticky;
Despite incorporating the following script into my CSS file, the header appears to function solely as a fixed element rather than the desired behavior described above. Even attempts to offset it with top: 90px;
did not yield the expected results. I experimented by enclosing the entire webpage within a div, excluding the title and placing the header inside as a container but this approach also failed. Removing the encompassing div altogether did not produce any positive outcome either...
#sticky {
position: sticky;
background: orange;
z-index: 50;
width: 100%;
<div id="title">
<div id="sticky">
<ul id="ulHeader">
<li>Find Us</li>
<li>Contact Us</li>
<div id="image">
<img src="images/tacos.jpeg">
No error messages are generated from this code snippet. In theory, the header/menu bar should initiate at 90px
distance from the top of the page and transition to a fixed position once scrolled far enough. However, what currently occurs is that the header consistently maintains a 90px
gap from the top similar to a fixed component.