While working on generating tickets for printing using AngularJS, I noticed that there is an offset of approximately 5 pixels between the first and last ticket out of the 1000 tickets I tried to create. As I was tinkering with my code, the output appeared inconsistent due to what I suspect might be the way the borders are handled, but I can't say for certain.
At the beginning of the ng-repeat process, both the classes ticketNo and ticketNoR seem to extend beyond the bottom border of their relative parent (ng-repeated) by about 2 pixels.
Upon reaching the 1000 tickets mark, these two classes now hover about 2 pixels above the bottom border of their parent element.
The discrepancy in results varies between Chromium and Firefox browsers, but the offset always remains. I am struggling to identify its source.
I posted my code here, and it seems that the fiddle does not replicate the issue accurately. How can I eliminate this offset for seamless printing and auto-cutting?
Any insights on where the problem might lie?