Position the typography component to the right side

Is there a way to align two typography components on the same line, with one aligned to the left and the other to the right? I'm currently using this code but the components are aligned next to each other on the left side.

const customStyles = makeStyles({
  leftText: {
    textAlign: "left"
  rightText: {
    textAlign: "right"

function ChooseNewSupport(props) {
    const classes = customStyles();
    return (
        <Typography inline variant="body1" className={classes.leftText}>
          Choose New Support:
        <Typography inline variant="body1" className={classes.rightText}>

Answer №1

When implementing Mui, it is recommended to utilize their props for a smoother design process compared to using custom styles. To structure your content properly, remember to enclose the p elements within a div container. If you opt for Grid, you can take advantage of flex box and set "space-between" to position each element on opposite sides.

<Grid container justify="space-between">  
  <Typography inline variant="body1" align="left">Choose New Support:</Typography>
  <Typography inline variant="body1" align="right>some text</Typography>

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