Popover disappears when scrolling the page, but its position remains constant in Angular 4+

After clicking on an icon, a popover appears. I've noticed that the popover has a delay set, but when I scroll, the popover also moves along with it. Is there a way to keep the popover in place and not have it affected by scrolling?

<md-badge class="current-plan-type__icon--badge" direction="right" [mdPopover]="tootltipTemplate" delay="10000"
 <i class="cui-icon icon icon-info_16 current-plan-type__icon--info"></i>

Answer №1

To resolve the issue, relocate the tooltipTemplate outside of the scrollable div so that it can be accessed regardless of its placement.

It seems like the problem lies in having the popover template within the scrollable div.

<div #root>
   <div #scrollable>
       <div #tooltipTemplate></div>

In order to fix this, consider moving the popover template out of the scrollable div.

<div #root>
   <div #scrollable>       
   <div #tooltipTemplate></div>

This adjustment should help resolve the issue. Best of luck!

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