Placing text alongside an image at the top of the page

Here's the HTML code generated by JSF:

    <div align="center">
        <img src="images/background_image.jpg" height="200px" width="30%" style="vertical-align: top"/>
        <span style="">
            Welcome abc, <input type="submit" value="logout" />.
            <br />
            Thu, 12-Jul-2012 15:46:07 AST

The issue is that "Thu, 12-Jul-2012 15:46:07 AST" is displaying below the image instead of beside it.

On the right side of the image, I am getting "Welcome abc" and the logout button.

Any insights on what might be causing this misalignment would be appreciated!

Edit 1

  1. I inserted <div align="center"> to center everything within the container.
  2. Removing the <br /> tag results in output as

    Welcome abc, logout.Thu, 12-Jul-2012 15:46:07 AST
    . Adding the tag should ideally display:

    Welcome abc, logout.

    Thu, 12-Jul-2012 15:46:07 AST

    However, due to the <br /> tag, the output shifts below the image.

I hope this clarification sheds some light on the issue.

This situation is driving me crazy :(

Edit 2

Check out the jsfiddle here

Answer №1

To start, make sure the initial div is wide enough to fit both your image and span containing text. Also, set it to overflow:auto to accommodate floating elements.

Next, float the image and span to the left side of the div.

Ensure that the span is styled with "display:inline-block".

You may also need to add some margin-right to the image for spacing.

I hope this guidance is helpful.

Answer №2

In order to properly position your image and span elements, you should apply the CSS property "float":

img, span {
    float: left;

Answer №3

It seems like the content within your span element is exceeding the optimal length. Consider adjusting the width of your span to 70%, unless there is no border.

Answer №4

I managed to find the solution. Here is the corrected code:

<div align="center">
    <img src="" style="vertical-align: top"/>
    <span style="display:inline-block" align="right">
        Welcome abc, logout.
        <br />
    Thu, 12-Jul-2012 15:46:07 AST

Link to jsfiddle for reference

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