Placing a moveable object in a designated spot for dropping at the desired location

I've been attempting to clone and drop a draggable object at the exact position within a droppable area where the drop event takes place. While I have come across examples online that demonstrate appending draggables to droppables, they all tend to relocate the draggable item to a predetermined location within the droppable upon initial drop.

Here's an illustration of this behavior: -

//JavaScript snippet from the provided jsfiddle
jQuery(function() {
      helper: function() {
          return jQuery(this).clone().appendTo('body').css({
              'zIndex': 5
      cursor: 'move',
      containment: "document"

      activeClass: 'ui-state-hover',
      accept: '.component',
      drop: function(event, ui) {
          if (!ui.draggable.hasClass("dropped"))

Is there any way to ensure that the draggable element remains positioned at the exact coordinates of the drop event?

Answer №1

To ensure proper functionality, it is crucial to specify the coordinates of the cloned element when it is dropped:

drop: function(event, ui) { if (!ui.draggable.hasClass("dropped"))

        var clone=jQuery(ui.draggable).clone().addClass("dropped").draggable();


Additionally, make sure to set the position to absolute using CSS for the cloned components:

.ui-layout-center .component {
   position:absolute !important;   

You can see a working example here:

Answer №2

Altered the code by utilizing appendTo() and adjusting the offset

jQuery(function() {
        //  utilize a helper-clone that is appended to 'body' so it is not 'contained' by a pane
        helper: function() {
            return jQuery(this).clone().appendTo('body').css({
                'zIndex': 5
        cursor: 'move',
        containment: "document"

        activeClass: 'ui-state-hover',
        accept: '.component',
        drop: function(event, ui) {
            var _this = jQuery(this);
            if (!ui.draggable.hasClass("dropped")) {
                var cloned = jQuery(ui.draggable).clone().addClass("dropped").draggable();
                    top :,
                    left: ui.offset.left

Answer №3

ui within the drop function includes the absolute position of the dragged element on the page. To align these values relative to the drop target and accurately position the cloned element within the drop target, some transformations are necessary.

    drop: function(e, ui) {
        if (!ui.draggable.hasClass("dropped")) {
            var parentOffset = jQuery('.ui-layout-center').offset();
            var dropped = jQuery(ui.draggable).clone().addClass("dropped").draggable();
            dropped.css('left', (ui.position.left  - parentOffset.left) +'px');
            dropped.css('top', ( - +'px');


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