Place the file in the designated area for styling purposes

Within the pluploader, a file drop zone exists with the identifier dropFilesHere;

var uploader = new plupload.Uploader({
        drop_element : "dropFilesHere", 

If a user hovers a file over the drop zone, I want to customize it* (similar to Gmail file attachment).

*For instance:

    border-width:5px border-style:dashed #808080;


What is the process for achieving this?

uploader.bind('Init', function(up, params) {
    $('#filelist').html("<div>Current runtime: " + params.runtime + "</div>");
    if(params.runtime === 'html5') {
            "dragenter": function(){
            "dragleave drop": function(){

Answer №1

If you have initialized the runtime as html5, you can experiment with the following code snippet:

// Ensure the runtime is initialized :
var uploader = $(item).pluploadQueue();

if(uploader.runtime === 'html5') {
$('li.plupload_droptext').bind('dragenter', function() {
    $(this).css("border", "5px dashed #000000");

$('li.plupload_droptext').bind('dragleave', function() {
    $(this).css("border", "0px none");

This code has been tested on Chrome 18 and Firefox 11. I hope it proves useful to you.

Another thing to consider is how to prevent users from dropping files outside of the designated drop-zone...

Answer №2

Did you experiment with the CSS :hover pseudo-class?

.dropFilesHere:hover {
    border-width:5px border-style:dashed #808080;

You can also implement jQuery triggers for the user with $('.dropFilesHere').mouseout() and $('.dropFilesHere').mouseenter(), or simply use $('.dropFilesHere').hover()

Using CSS is typically more efficient than JavaScript nowadays, so it's recommended to prioritize CSS in many cases.

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