Place the DIV element above the Input Box while keeping the Input Box in its current position

Is there a way to incorporate a DIV above an input box (textbox) without causing the textbox's position to change? I want this DIV to appear or disappear based on whether the textbox is in focus or not. What is the correct CSS syntax to place this DIV directly above the textbox while keeping it stationary?

        <div class="someclass">images</div>
        <input type="text" maxlength="2" class="timebox" />

I updated the CSS based on the advice given by Ben Blank below, but now the DIV is appearing at the top left corner of the screen instead of within the table cell...

    position: absolute;
    display: none;
    width: 30px;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

Answer №1

If you want to position your <div> element absolutely, you can use the following CSS:

div.someclass {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

Absolutely positioned elements do not affect the layout of other elements on the page. In this example, the <div> is placed at the top-left corner of its parent container. You can adjust its position by changing the values of the top and left properties. Negative values are allowed, and you can also use bottom or right. Setting both top and bottom without a defined height can stretch the <div> vertically based on its parent's height (and similarly for left, right, and width).

To create a positioning context for the <div>'s parent, you typically add "position: relative" to it. However, in the case of table cells, it's best to wrap the contents with an outer <div>:

    <div class="outerclass">
        <div class="someclass">images</div>
        <input type="text" maxlength="2" class="timebox" />

Then you can apply position: relative to the new <div>:

div.outerclass {
    position: relative;

Answer №2

For the desired placement, ensure it is nested within a parent div with position:relative. As per your current CSS settings, the element will be located at coordinates 0px from the top/left corner of the viewport.

Answer №3

If you're wondering how to make an element show/hide without causing other elements on the screen to shift, here's a solution.

Instead of using the display property, try using the visibility property. When an element is made invisible, it still takes up the same space as if it were visible, preventing any unwanted movement of surrounding elements.

(For more information, check out


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