I am looking to position the input form element above the center of the svg curve as illustrated
The parameters for the curve are defined as follows:
<svg width="600" height="80" style="border-style: dashed;" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="" style="display: none;">
<marker id="arrow" markerWidth="10" markerHeight="10" refX="0" refY="3" orient="auto" markerUnits="strokeWidth">
<path d="M0,0 L0,6 L9,3 z" fill="#f00" />
<path d="M10 40 Q 95 0 200 40" stroke="black" fill="transparent" marker-end="url(#arrow)"/>
Is there a way to achieve this? I am open to different suggestions and ideas on how it can be accomplished.