Place the child DIV at the bottom of its parent DIV

I've searched through open questions but couldn't find a solution.

The code snippet in question looks like this: ...

    <div style="some height">
      <div style="some width"> .......and so on..
              <div id="parentDiv">
                <div id="div1">Title Text and description.</div>
                <div id="div2">Text+Image button here</div>
            ..and more columns and rows.

           <Other divs closing>

I need div2 to always stick to the base of parentDiv, regardless of parentDiv's height.

If I give position:relative to parentDiv and position:absolute to div2, I can't get it to stay at the base of parentDiv.

I require this because if any other TD gets a larger height due to content in div1, I want all text and button images to remain aligned in a row.

P.S. - Due to JS functionality, I can't nest tables inside each other to solve this issue. Is there CSS to address this problem?

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, make sure to set position: absolute for div2 and then apply bottom: 0 specifically on div2.

Merely adding position:absolute to div2 won't suffice. To properly position it, you need to also define values for top, bottom, left, and right properties in CSS. By setting both position: absolute and bottom: 0, you ensure that div2 is correctly placed in relation to its closest ancestor with a non-static positioning (such as the parentDiv which has position: relative).

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