Place the button inside the form following another block element

Here is the HTML code I am working with:

<div class="actions">
   <input id="submit-car" name="commit" type="submit" value="Добавить объявление">

and here is a fiddle example:

In my form, I have a submit button "Добавить объявление"... but how can I position it within the form after the .car-photo block?

I have considered a few options:

  • Using absolute positioning: however, this could lead to issues if the height of the .car-photo block is unknown.
  • Add a second submit button after car-photo and use JavaScript to click on the hidden normal submit button in the form - but this approach has some compatibility problems in Internet Explorer.

How can I achieve this positioning correctly? How can I place the button within the form so that it functions properly?

Answer №1

Consider relocating the car-photo element within the form.

To view an example, click on this link:

Answer №2

In my understanding, you are looking to utilize the <button> tag, which can be incorporated within the form element.

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