Place elements in a grid layout using CSS (and also ensure they are centered)

My goal is to create a data-grid (table layout) where the elements have fixed sizes. These elements should be placed in the same line until they can't fit anymore, then move to the next line.

I have tried using inline-blocks for this, but I'm struggling with centering them within the outer div.

Currently, my issue looks like this:

issue here

Any suggestions on how to solve this using only CSS?

Answer №1

To center the text of your container when your blocks are set on inline-block display, simply use the following code snippet: (adjust the result panel size as needed)

Here is the HTML code:


And here is the CSS code:

section{margin:50px; padding:25px; background:#333; text-align:center;}
article{width:50px; height:50px; background:#c00; margin: 10px; display:inline-block}

(Feel free to make any additional modifications if necessary.)

Answer №2

Have you been searching for a way to achieve "full-justification" on the boxes within that space? Unfortunately, it cannot be done using just CSS at the moment. Your options are settling with what you currently have, which results in extra space on the right, or going with @fabien's suggestion, which centers your last line.

An alternative approach is to incorporate some javascript.

(By the way, if all you need in those boxes is the letter "a," there might be a different solution available. Is that placeholder intended for more complex elements?)

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