Picture is not appearing on web browser within Node application

Recently, while working with Visual Studio Code, I decided to incorporate an image into my Node project. After downloading the image from the internet and placing it in the directory, I renamed it to 'file_2.jpeg'. I then included <img src = "file_2.jpeg"> in my code and checked it on my browser. To my dismay, the image did not appear as expected.

Answer №1

Upon investigating your comments and query, it appears that there is excess whitespace around the src attribute. I am uncertain if this was an oversight while composing your question. If not, please modify

<img src = "file_2.jpeg">
<img src="file_2.jpeg">

This leads me to consider: is the file path accurate? To provide you with precise instructions, I would require knowledge of your project root and file path. Nevertheless, attempt changing

<img src="file_2.jpeg">
<img src="file:///project-root/path-to-file/file_2.jpeg">

If these adjustments do not resolve the issue, it remains unclear why the image is not displaying.

Pose inquiries such as:

Could any styles be impacting my image?


Is the filename in my src identical to the one in my image's directory?

Furthermore, meticulously review your code until you are certain no obvious solution exists.

In the provided scenario, the markup should resemble the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <img src="document-root/path-to-file/file_2.jpeg">

Answer №2

In order for me to assist you better, it would be helpful if I could view your file path. However, I will still attempt to help without it. Let's say the image is named 'picture.png' and it is located in a folder called 'Folder'. Within this folder, there is a file named 'index.html' with the following code within the body tags:

<img src="picture.png" alt="awesome picture">

If this is the case, everything should work as expected. If the image was located in a sub-directory named 'SubFolder', then the source attribute would need to be 'SubFolder/picture.png'. This covers most scenarios. Feel free to share your file path for more personalized assistance.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Title Here</title>
<img src="file_2.jpeg">

If the structure of your code aligns with the example above, there doesn't appear to be any issues that stand out at the moment.

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