Personalizing MaterialUI's autocomplete functionality

Trying to implement the material-UI Autocomplete component in my react app and looking for a way to display a div when hovering over an option from the list, similar to what is shown in this reference image.

View example

If anyone has any tips or suggestions on how to achieve this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

To implement a Tooltip with the renderOption attribute, follow this example:

import React from "react";
import TextField from "@material-ui/core/TextField";
import Autocomplete from "@material-ui/lab/Autocomplete";
import { Button, Tooltip } from "@material-ui/core";
import { Info } from "@material-ui/icons";

export default function ComboBox() {
      const defaultProps = {
        options: top100Films,
        getOptionLabel: option => option.title
      return (
          ListboxComponent={props => <div {...props} />}
          getOptionDisabled={({ year }) => year > 2000}
          renderOption={({ title, year, ...props }) => {
            return (
                <Tooltip title={`Too Old ${year}`} placement="bottom">
                    <Button endIcon={<Info />} component="li" {...props} fullWidth>
                      {title} - {year}
          renderInput={params => (
              label="Broken Disabled Tooltips"

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