Personalized modify and remove elements on a row of the DataGrid material-ui version 5 component when hovered over

In my React Js app, I am utilizing Material UI components or MUI v5 as the UI library for my project.

Within the DataGrid/DataGridPro component, I am implementing a custom edit and delete row feature.

The requirement is to display edit and delete icons when hovering over a row without adding a new column specifically for actions. An example of this functionality can be seen on a private dashboard

If the user reduces the browser width, instead of hiding the edit and delete icons, the row should be hidden as depicted in these images:

I have implemented it here, but encountered some limitations:

1. The Popper component overlaps the DataGrid component

When hovering over rows that aren't fully visible, the Popper component appears on top of the DataGrid like shown in these images:

Even setting disablePortal={true} didn't resolve the issue and rendered the Popper component outside the row as illustrated here:

Adjusting the zIndex values did not help either, with the Popper component still overlapping the DataGrid:

Question 1: How can I ensure the Popper component remains on top of the row within the DataGrid?

2. The Popper component does not stick to the DataGrid component

Adding extra columns resulted in the Popper component sticking at the end of the row, which is desirable:

However, when scrolling to the beginning of the row, the Popper component did not stick to the end as intended:

Question 2: How can I make the Popper component consistently adhere to the end of the row despite horizontal scrolling?

You can view the demo here:

Alternatively, is there a more effective approach to achieve this scenario? 🤔

Answer â„–1

Finally, I was able to achieve it by familiarizing myself with the following functionalities:

  1. Using the column pinning feature to create a container for edit and delete icons.
  2. componentsProps to manage which row is being hovered over.

Follow these steps:

  1. Utilize componentsProps to control the hovered row.
  row: {
    onMouseEnter: onMouseEnterRow,
    onMouseLeave: onMouseLeaveRow
  1. Add an actions column and display only the edit and delete icons when hovering over the row.
  field: "actions",
  headerName: "",
  width: 120,
  sortable: false,
  disableColumnMenu: true,
  renderCell: (params) => {
    if (hoveredRow === {
      return (
            backgroundColor: "whitesmoke",
            width: "100%",
            height: "100%",
            display: "flex",
            justifyContent: "center",
            alignItems: "center"
          <IconButton onClick={() => console.log(}>
            <EditIcon />
          <IconButton onClick={() => console.log(}>
            <DeleteIcon />
    } else return null;
  1. Pin the actions column and modify the styles of the DataGrid.
  // some code here ...
  initialState={{ pinnedColumns: { right: ["actions"] } }}
    "& .MuiDataGrid-iconSeparator": {
      display: "none"
    "& .MuiDataGrid-pinnedColumnHeaders": {
      boxShadow: "none",
      backgroundColor: "transparent"
    "& .MuiDataGrid-pinnedColumns": {
      boxShadow: "none",
      backgroundColor: "transparent",
      "& .MuiDataGrid-cell": {
        padding: 0
    "& .MuiDataGrid-row": {
      cursor: "pointer",
      "&:hover": {
        backgroundColor: "whitesmoke"
      "&:first-child": {
        borderTop: "1px solid rgba(224, 224, 224, 1)"
    "& .MuiDataGrid-cell:focus": {
      outline: "none"
    "& .MuiDataGrid-cell:focus-within": {
      outline: "none"

Check out the demo here

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