Personalize the breakpoints of Bootstrap 4's grid system

In my project, I am facing a situation where I need a 1280 breakpoint to switch from desktop to tablet, instead of the xl breakpoint at 1200 as defined in Bootstrap. How can I globally change the xl breakpoint in Bootstrap without recompiling from the source files?

I attempted to modify the Sass build by setting the breakpoints like this:

$grid-breakpoints: (
  // Extra small screen / phone
  xs: 0,
  // Small screen / phone
  sm: 576px,
  // Medium screen / tablet
  md: 768px,
  // Large screen / desktop
  lg: 992px,
  // Extra large screen / wide desktop
  xl: 1280px

$container-max-widths: (
  sm: 540px,
  md: 720px,
  lg: 960px,
  xl: 1220px

Unfortunately, the xl breakpoint remained unchanged globally and still triggered at 1200px width.

Answer №1

Customizing Bootstrap 4.x & 5.x

To customize Bootstrap according to your needs, make sure to modify the $grid-breakpoints and $container-max-widths variables before you import the Bootstrap sources. Below is a sample code snippet in scss:

// File: theme.scss
// Override default BT variables:
$grid-breakpoints: (
        xs: 0,
        sm: 576px,
        md: 768px,
        lg: 992px,
        xl: 1200px,
        xxl: 1900px
$container-max-widths: (
        sm: 540px,
        md: 720px,
        lg: 960px,
        xl: 1140px,
        xxl: 1610px
// Import BT sources
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";

// Your CSS (SASS) rules here...

Answer №2

To make changes to the $grid-breakpoints variable, simply update it as needed. Don't forget to include /bootstrap or bootstrap/variables in your custom.scss, and then import bootstrap after.

Here's an example:

$grid-breakpoints: (
  xs: 0,
  sm: 600px,
  md: 800px,
  lg: 1000px,
  xl: 1280px

Check out the demo here.

For more information, refer to How to customize Bootstrap 4 with SASS

Answer №3

As outlined in their official documentation, customizing Bootstrap requires the following steps:

  1. Manually transfer desired code snippets from /scss/_variables.scss to _custom.scss
  2. Eliminate any instances of !default in the transferred code and adjust values accordingly
  3. Recompile the codebase by executing npm run dist to apply modifications (refer to the Build tools section for further instructions)

It is advised against directly altering the contents of _variables.scss, as updates to Bootstrap may overwrite such modifications. By following the aforementioned procedure, users can safely update Bootstrap while retaining their custom changes.

Note: Even if disregarding future updates, individuals who opt to edit /scss/_variables.scss directly must still recompile to propagate alterations to the /dist/ files.

In response to basZero's skepticism regarding the viability of this method, it is crucial to acknowledge Bootstrap's inherent modularity and configurability. Extensive guidance is provided through:

The meticulous detailing of the recompilation process signifies its endorsement within Bootstrap's development framework.

Additionally, tools like offer online recompilation capabilities, further streamlining the customization process. By recompiling, adjustments can be made to column configurations, spacing values, responsiveness breakpoints, and module selection, allowing for tailored Bootstrap implementations.

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