Persistent JavaScript animation loop troubles

Hey there, I'm new to web development and I've been working on a simple webpage with a text animation that moves from the top of the screen to the middle when the page loads. The animation itself is working fine, but I'm having trouble stopping the loop. Even though the animation stops visually, I suspect that the function is still looping in the background. This causes other elements on the page, like links, to malfunction because the JavaScript is technically still running. Any tips on how I can properly end the function? Thanks!

window.onload = Animation;
function Animation() {

    // Get element and determine text's initial position.
    var Element = document.getElementById("AnimationText");
    var Position = -500;

    var ID = setInterval(OnFrame, 20);

    function OnFrame() {
        if (Position > 50) {
        } else {
            if (Position > -100 && Position <= 0) {
                Position = Position + 3; // Middle of animation
            } else if (Position > 0) {
                Position = Position + 2; // End of animation
            } else {
                Position = Position + 4; // Start of animation
   = Position + 'px';


    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="HomepageStyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <script src="HomepageAnimation.js"></script>
    <div id="AnimationText">
        <a href="LogIn.html">
            <img src="_assets/LoginButtonHome.png" style="margin-right: 40px; margin-top: 400px;">

Answer №1

After testing your code in a sample HTML document and inserting console logs to track the function's execution post clearInterval, it appears that the function does not execute. Feel free to verify this by adding two console.log statements - one within the if statement and another within the else statement.

Alternatively, you may want to experiment with the following modification to address your issue:

if (Position > 50) {
    console.log("Execution ended"):
    ID = null;

Here is the test HTML element I used:

<p id="hello" style="position: absolute;">My first paragraph.</p>

To access the JSFiddle link for further testing, click here: Test here!

If you wish to view the console logs in Chrome, navigate to: View -> Developer -> JavaScript Console

Answer №2

You can utilize JavaScript to simply add a new class and allow CSS to take care of the rest:

Here is an example with HTML, JS, and CSS:

<div id = "AnimationText" class="init">




#AnimationText {
  transition: all 4s ease;
.init {
  margin-top: -150px;
.middle {
  position: relative;
  margin-top: 200px;

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