Perform a jQuery computation using a CSS style

Having trouble with a calculation using a CSS property that is not returning any value.

Seems like the issue might be due to the CSS property returning '200px' instead of just '200'. Any suggestions for a workaround? Thanks in advance.

windowHeight = $(window).height(); // This is functioning
logoHeight = $('.home h1').css('height'); // Returns '200px'
logoPosition = windowHeight * 0.5 - logoHeight;

Answer №1

To ensure accurate calculations, it is crucial to convert the string "200px" to an integer by utilizing the parseInt method.

windowHeight = $(window).height(); // This operation works fine
logoHeight = parseInt($('.home h1').css('height'), 10); // However, this results in '200px'
logoPosition = windowHeight * 0.5 - logoHeight;

If you fail to convert the string properly, your calculation of windowHeight * 0.5 - logoHeight will yield NaN (not a number).

It's essential to provide the radix as the second argument when using parseInt, or else unexpected results may occur. For example;

parseInt("022") == 18; // This evaluates to true

Answer №2

To retrieve the height of the <h1> element, you can simply use the height() method:

winHeight = $(window).height(); // Easily obtain window height
elementHeight = $('.header h1').height(); 
elementPosition = winHeight * 0.5 - elementHeight;

Answer №3

Check out this example:

windowHeight = $(window).height(); // Fetch the window height
logoHeight = $('.home h1').css('height'); // Get the height of 'h1' element under '.home'
logoPosition = windowHeight * 0.5 - parseInt(logoHeight); // Calculate the logo's position

Answer №4

Looking to up your CSS game? Take a look at these additional examples showcasing the use of various CSS properties and jQuery methods. Explore our jQuery style properties guide

var box = $('#box');
var borderTopWidth = parseInt(box.css('borderTopWidth'), 10); // css border-top-width
var borderBottomWidth = parseInt(box.css('borderBottomWidth'), 10); // css border-bottom-width
var totalWidth = box.outerWidth(false); // includes padding and border excluding margins

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