Opting for CSS3 transitions over jQuery animate

Currently, I am working on animating a block of HTML that involves fading in (opacity) and slightly moving from the left (margin-left)...

$('.latest-stats').delay(1000).animate({ opacity: 1, marginLeft: '55px' }, 1000, function () {
  ...insert code here

.latest-stats {

Once the transition is complete, there is a delay and specific functions need to be executed within that block of HTML. Is it possible to achieve this using CSS by perhaps adding a class with transitions included?

Answer №1

The Additional CSS Class:

.transformed {
   transition:all 2s;
   -ms-transition:all 2s;
   -moz-transition:all 2s;
   -o-transition:all 2s;
   -webkit-transition:all 2s;

The jQuery Code: (UPDATED)

        //custom code can be added here

However, I must inquire, what is the specific reason behind opting for this approach? Is there any issue with using jQuery animate?

Answer №2

We revised the JavaScript code to simply add the class without applying any styles:

    $('.latest-stats').toggleClass('transitioned').each(function () {
        // Include callback functions here
}, 1000);

The choice of setTimeout() over delay() was made because the latter only works for animations. By using each() to incorporate the callback function, we avoid the need to load an extra library since toggleClass() doesn't inherently provide a callback.

The CSS is responsible for managing style changes, consolidating visual elements in one place:

.latest-stats {
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s;
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s;
    transition: all 0.5s;
    padding: 30px;
.latest-stats.transitioned {
    -webkit-transform:translate(55px, 0);
    -moz-transform:translate(55px, 0);
    transform:translate(55px, 0);
Instead of modifying the margin-left property, translate is used to shift the element, as detailed in this article about enhancing animation performance. It's essential to verify browser compatibility and include fallback options as needed.

Check out this JSFiddle example.

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