"Opt for a horizontal WordPress drop-down menu instead of the typical vertical layout

I am looking to customize a menu in WordPress by creating a horizontal drop-down menu instead of the default vertical layout. An example of what I am aiming for can be seen on this website. If you hover over OUR SECTORS, you will see the type of menu I am trying to achieve, but it does not need to be full width on the screen.

So far, I have not been able to find any solutions online that cater specifically to this request. Most suggestions focus on implementing multiple menu columns like the ones featured in the Max Mega Menu, which is not what I am looking for. I simply want a straightforward horizontal menu without extra columns.

If anyone knows of CSS code or a plugin that can help accomplish this, please let me know!

Edit: A theme website showcasing the same style of menu can be found here

Answer №1

To enhance the styling of <ul>, I recommend applying display: flex. This allows for manipulation of flex items using properties like justify-content. For a more in-depth look at flexbox, check out this article.

Unfortunately, providing assistance without examples proves to be quite challenging.

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