Only a select few expandable elements in the jQuery accordion

How can I create an accordion menu with only a few expandable options? I am looking to include the following items in my menu:

Home, Support, Sales, Other

The "Home" option is just a link without any sub-menu. Clicking on it should direct users to a specific page.

The "Support," "Sales," and "Other" options will have several links within them as sub-items.

$(function() {
  $( ".leftMenu" ).accordion({
     heightStyle: "content",
     active: false,
     collapsible: true,

To implement this in HTML:

 <h3><li id='home'>Home</li></h3>
        <li>New Tickets</li>
        <li>Existing Tickets</li>

In order to avoid confusion, make sure to add a <div> under each <h3>.

Check out the example on JSFiddle.

Answer №1

It appears that the accordion feature requires a div after the h element to function properly.

Here is an example of HTML where the accordion will work as intended:

<div class='leftMenu'>
    <h3 id ="home">Home</h3>
            <li>New Tickets</li>
            <li>Existing Tickets</li>


Fiddle Link

Description: This code converts headers and content panels into an accordion. For more information, refer to the Accordion Documentation.

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