Online collection-based game

This is my first attempt at creating a web-based game and I have some questions about the necessary technologies. Specifically, I want to enable users to gather items and save their progress within the game. Currently, I am focusing on mastering HTML, CSS, and Javascript. However, it seems that I will also need a server-side language like MySQL or possibly jQuery for saving user data. Can someone offer guidance on the best approach for this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Understanding the components thoroughly before delving into coding or implementation is crucial.

Here are some key insights:

MySQL functions as a RDBMS, which stands for Relational Database Management System. It serves as a database residing on a machine (either a personal computer or a remote server), where applications connect and conduct transactions using the SQL language.

MySQL primarily handles the task of storing persistent data in large quantities.

jQuery serves as a JavaScript library. Its main purpose is to streamline JavaScript code, making common tasks easier without the need for extensive lines of script. Unlike frameworks such as Angular or Backbone, jQuery is simply a library consisting of pre-built functions.

jQuery is utilized for facilitating user interactions within web browsers.

Comparing MySQL with JavaScript is illogical as they serve distinct roles at different layers within a web application's architecture.

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