One way to change the cursor CSS property is by dynamically altering it based on scrolling behavior. This involves modifying the cursor property when scrolling

I'm attempting to adjust the cursor property within an Angular function. The issue I'm facing is that when I begin scrolling the webpage, the cursor changes to a pointer, but when I stop scrolling, it remains as a pointer. I've attempted to use the window.pageYOffset property, however, it only changes the cursor to a pointer and does not revert back to the default cursor when scrolling stops.

Any assistance in resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Check out the demo. Utilize hostlistener to achieve this functionality.

  private timeout: number;

  @HostListener('window:scroll', ['$event']) // for window scroll events
onScroll(event) {
    this.class = "hand";
    this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
      this.class = "casa";
    }, 300);

You can also apply custom CSS properties to your classes:

cursor:default ;}

Lastly, make sure to add the event to your HTML element like so:

<div class="{{class}}"(scroll)="onScroll($event)" </div>

Answer №2

Here is a snippet you can use to change the cursor on scroll:

let timer = null;
window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { = 'all-scroll';
    if(timer !== null) {
    timer = setTimeout(function() { = 'default';
    }, 150);
}, false);
  • Listen for the scroll event and update the cursor accordingly.
  • Use a timeout to revert the cursor to normal once scrolling stops.

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