Obtaining the Initial Values of a jQueryUI Slider

I have integrated the jQueryUI slider into my project and need to show the minimum and maximum values of the slider in two separate div elements. These divs should update as the user interacts with the slider, and also display the initial values of the slider.

Issue: Initially, the div displays [object object] as the values, but it updates correctly when the slider is adjusted. I am seeking assistance to ensure that the initial values are displayed properly.

jQuery Code:

    range: true,
    min: 0,
    max: 10000,
    values: [ 75, 300 ],
    slide: function( event, ui ) {
        $( "#rent_min" ).html( "Min: $" + ui.values[ 0 ] );
        $( "#rent_max" ).html( "Max: $" + ui.values[ 1 ] );
$( "#rent_min" ).html( "Min: $" + $( "#slider_rent" ).slider( "values", 0 ));
$( "#rent_max" ).html( "Max: $" + $( "#slider_rent" ).slider( "values", 1 ));


<div id="filter_submenu_rent">
            <div id="rent_min"></div>
            <div id="slider_rent"></div>
            <div id="rent_max"></div>

jQuery Code (Another Attempt) When this code block is used, nothing appears in the 2 divs initially

    range: true,
    min: 0,
    max: 10000,
    values: [ 75, 300 ],
    slide: function( event, ui ) {
        $( "#rent_min" ).html( "Min: $" + ui.values[ 0 ] );
        $( "#rent_max" ).html( "Max: $" + ui.values[ 1 ] );
    create: function(event, ui) {
        $( "#rent_min" ).html( "Min: $" + ui.values[ 0 ] );
        $( "#rent_max" ).html( "Max: $" + ui.values[ 1 ] );

Answer №1

One key concern I note is the presence of two distinct objects in your slider:

The initial definition is $("#filter_submenu_rent").slider, but later in the code it switches to: $( "#slider_rent" ).slider

Here's a functional example to refer to: http://jsfiddle.net/4tDjZ/1/

Answer №2

Although some may view this as unconventional, I have discovered that you can insert custom properties into the slider options object and access them just like any other slider option later on.

$('#myslider').slider({min: 0, max: 10, value: 5, myinitval: 5});

// The value will remain 5, unless modified by your event handlers
$('#myslider').slider('option', 'myinitval');

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