Obtain the precise value indicated in CSS by utilizing jQuery


It's surprising that this question has never been asked before, but here we are... Please don't confuse it with this other question.

I'm attempting to save the height of an element using jQuery's data method so I can retrieve this value later and reset the original value on a specific element.

However, when I try to retrieve the height of my element, it gives me the computed height rather than the actual CSS value. While this is usually useful in other scenarios, I specifically need the exact value specified in my stylesheet, whether it's 100%, auto, or 10px...

My Question

Is there a way to obtain the precise CSS (non-computed) value of an element using jQuery?

For example (CSS):

#wrapper {
    height: auto;

And JS:

// Returns 'auto' not computed value...
var height = $('#wrapper').height();

Further Information

The only solution I can think of at the moment is to simply remove the inline style tag from my element, which will eliminate any styles applied by jQuery. The downside to this approach is that it will remove all styles, not just the specific one I'm interested in...

Answer №1

With jQuery, you are limited to retrieving the calculated value.

For an alternative approach, I have created a script that can determine the original CSS value by analyzing the stylesheets applied to the page, identifying the selector, and evaluating its precedence and specificity.

This method is useful for distinguishing between values such as auto, 100%, or fixed sizes.

Here is how you can use it:

resolveAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("wrapper"), "height");

You can download the script for resolveAppliedStyle from :


Additionally, the script uses another tool to calculate specificity, which can be found at :


Answer №2

Is it possible to obtain the precise CSS (non-calculated) value of an element using jQuery?

Currently, the only way to retrieve the computed value is in a unit such as px through the DOM.

However, one workaround is to determine the percentage by comparing the height of the element to its parent's height. Unfortunately, measurements like em, en, and others are not directly accessible.

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