obtain the image number by extracting a portion of the text

How can I extract the image number from a string using the sub-string function?

I have applied the sub-string function to the property below. It returns 3 at the end in Chrome, but it does not work properly in Mozilla.

Issue : After "-->", when I check in Chrome everything looks fine. However, in Mozilla, instead of getting 3.jpg on the third step, I get .jpg

alert("obj.back is "+obj.style.backgroundImage);-->url(http://localhost/final.21/img/img3.jpg);
    origImg = obj.style.backgroundImage.split(")")[0];
    alert('origImg is'+origImg);  -->>url(http://localhost/final.21/img/img3.jpg
    alert('after length '+origImg.substring(origImg.length-5)); -->3.jpg
    origImg = origImg.substring(origImg.length-5).split(".")[0];
    alert('origImg is'+origImg);  --> 3

Answer №1

Here's another solution for you to consider

const imageUrl = 'http://localhost/final.21/img/img3.jpg';
alert(imageUrl.slice(-9, -4));

Answer №2

After further investigation, I discovered that when using the "obj.style.backgroundImage" property, Mozilla was returning url("/final.21/img/img3.jpg");, whereas Chrome was returning url(/final.21/img/img3.jpg);. This prompted me to modify my substring approach.

Answer №3

In my opinion, a more user-friendly solution can be achieved using Regular Expressions (RegEx). The current solution may encounter issues if any changes occur (such as having a file named img33.jpg). Furthermore, I find the RegEx approach to be clearer as it accurately reflects the intended action.

let url = "http://localhost/final.21/img/img3.jpg)";
const origImg = url.match("img([0-9]+).jpg");
alert('origImg is '+origImg[1]);

Answer №4

An alternative approach using Regex

let str = "http://example.com/image/photo.jpg";
str = str.substring(str.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

See it in action: http://jsfiddle.net/abc123/

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