Notification box appearing at the lower part of the display

I have recently been given the task of updating my company's JavaScript alerts with more customizable bootbox alerts. After playing around with it, I managed to make an alert appear when a button is clicked, but the alert keeps showing up at the bottom of the screen and extends the height of the page.

There is a similar question to mine here: Bootbox alert displaying in the top right, but I've already tried all the solutions mentioned there and experimented with different values myself. One solution suggested was:

.modal-dialog {
        left: auto;

I noticed that changing the 'left' property affects the popup, but 'top' or 'bottom' do not seem to work. Here is the code snippet I am currently using (excluding includes):

    <button class ="btn btn-danger">Alert Box</button>

<script type= "text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function (){
        $('.btn').on('click', function(){
                title: "This is a prompt, vertically centered!", 
                centerVertical: true,
                callback: function(result){ 

The version of my bootbox.min.js is v5.5.2 and bootstrap.min.js is v5.0.2. I did try switching to bootstrap v4.X briefly, but it didn't change anything.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Managed to uncover a solution, or at least a temporary fix. By adjusting the margin-top of the bootbox div:


This shifted it 500px lower on the screen instead of pushing it to the bottom.

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